
We provide expert planning advice and resource in a flexible and innovative way. This is underpinned by a deep understanding of planning requirements and regulations coupled with strong relationships across the development industry.

Integrated Service

Development Appraisals / Applications / Appeals / Local Plan Representations / Lead Consultants / Urban Design Masterplanning

We can integrate our planning services with the other core Woods Hardwick services, which offers a major benefit to our clients. This close relationship with our colleagues enhances our understanding of other specialisms within the development sector.

Our dedicated town planning services include:

  • Planning application co-ordination and project management
  • Planning Statements
  • Planning appeals, including expert witnesses at inquiries
  • Environmental Impact Assessment co-ordination
  • Local Plan representations, including appearing at examinations
  • Development appraisals
  • Policy research
  • Community consultation
  • Section 106 negotiations
  • Call for sites submissions