Arelsey is a great example of all the Woods Hardwick service lines working together throughout the lifetime of the development planning and construction process.
Initially our planners successfully promoted the Land East and West of High Street, Arlesey for allocation as a mixed-use development in the development plan. This comprised 1000+ homes, an extra care facility, a local centre, relief road and open space for a consortium of landowners. We coordinated the preparation of a masterplan for the site to meet one of the requirements of the allocation policy.
Following this, we were retained by Wheatley Group Developments Ltd and Swan Hill Homes for the development of the northernmost parcel of land, west side of High Street. Our architectural team designed the a development of 40 homes,supported by our engineering and surveying teams. Together we secured planning permission and it is now under construction.
We are also retained by CBC Assets and their developer partners, Telereal Trillium, for the land east of High Street. We coordinated a detailed planning application, including an Environmental Statement, for the core infrastructure comprising a 1km section of relief road with junctions at either end. This was designed by our engineering team. Detailed planning permission was obtained in 2016.
We subsequently coordinated the outline planning application for up to 950 homes, 80 bed extra care unit, up to 7,000 sq m of employment floor space, up to 6,500 sq m. of retail, a hotel, healthcare provision, leisure and community uses, primary school and open space, again including an Environmental Statement. Planning permission was secured in May 2018.
Land East and West of High Street, Arlesey, Bedfordshire
West of High Street - Wheatley Group Developments & Swan Hill Homes
East of High Street - Central Bedfordshire Council Assets & Telereal Trillium
Architecture, Planning, Engineering, Surveying