Turriff Street

Pre Planning Application for 212 apartments split over seven blocks with a mix of tenures and unit types.

The site is located within a highly accessible inner urban area to the south of Glasgow city centre. The scheme has been designed to mitigate the constraints of the motorway flyover that runs parallel to the site.

The proposed design will take the form of a perimeter development with central amenity landscaping. Scale and massing has taken cues from the neighbouring properties and similar developments within the area.

All building blocks are set at five storeys with or without top floor set backs,  acting as both visual and acoustic barriers to the motorway behind. The two corner buildings to the junctions are the exceptions – being set at seven and ten storeys respectably. These two focal buildings will act as wayfinding elements along these two busy routes into the city centre. Throughout the site, the proposed materials and elevation expressions reflect the local heritage and deliver architecture to the highest quality.


Turriff Street, Glasgow





