Breathing New Life into Houghton Grange
Great news for Woods Hardwick’s Residential Architecture team and our client, Morris Homes. We have secured Approval of Reserved Matters for Houghton Grange in Huntingdonshire. The design team, led by Woods Hardwick, included The Landscape Partnership, Wormald Burrows and Barnes Walker.
The Homes England site in the village of Houghton had the benefit of an Outline Planning Permission for the redevelopment of the grounds, along with the retention of the Listed Buildings known as The Grange and East & West Lodge. The site, set in a Conservation Area with many mature trees and a prominent Avenue off Houghton Hill Road, has been responded to with a wonderful scheme that renovates and redevelops the dilapidated site and secures the heritage assets and setting. The new development includes 99 new homes and a separate Full Application and Listed Building Consent for the renovation of the Listed Lodges into homes and the conversion of the Listed Grange into luxurious apartments.
The whole team worked with Huntingdonshire District Council’s Case Officer(s), Urban Design Officer, Conservation Officer, Arboricultural and Landscape Officers, along with the County Councils Highway Officer. A truly collaborative approach to securing a wonderful scheme that will be full of character and creates a unique new community.