Bedford Borough publishes report on Local Plan 2040 – More growth, new settlements
Bedford Borough Council has published a report on the Local Plan 2040 that is to be presented to the Council’s Executive on 27th April 2022.
The report advises Members of the issues raised in response to the Regulation 18 Draft Plan: Strategy Options and Draft policies consultation that took place between June and September 2021 and presents an overview of the Local Plan 2040 ‘Plan for Submission’ (Regulation 19 Stage), with the draft Plan appended to the report. It sets out the proposed development strategy and the next steps for the plan. The Executive is asked to agree, subject to any amendments, the plan for public consultation.Milton Keynes Land Availability Assessment and Call for Sites
Milton Keynes Council is updating their evidence base to inform the preparation of a new local plan for development through to 2050. A key part of this is a Land
Day One take-aways from Built Environment Networking’s Ox-Cam Arc Conference
Planning Director Russell Gray attended Day One of the Built Environment Networking’s Oxford-Cambridge Arc Conference.
The feeling in the room was clear from the start - a real concern of political inertia at the national level; that the Government is no longer as committed to the Arc, with the lack of any mention in the recent Comprehensive Spending Review evidence of this.Fancy a career in Planning? Graduate Planner, Ben McShane, explains how!
Ben McShane joined Woods Hardwick as a Graduate Planner at the height of lockdown.
He explains how he is settling in, the exciting times ahead for the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, and what to expect if you are considering a career in planning.Digital Consultation to shape the future of the OxCam Arc
In a Government consultation running until 12 October, people across Oxford and Cambridge Arc have the opportunity to contribute to the long-term development of our area.
The outcomes of the consultation will help to shape and enhance the infrastructure, environment and new developments in the counties of Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire. The plan will be developed by Government, informed by engagement with local communities and stakeholders, and will have sustainability at its core.Bedford’s Local Plan 2040
A Report is being presented to Bedford Borough Council’s (BBC) Executive on Wednesday on the Local Plan Review, to meet development needs up to 2040. At this meeting the Executive
Bellway and Clarion to deliver 1,200 homes in Cambridgeshire
Unconditional contracts have been exchanged for Bellway and Latimer, the development arm of Clarion Housing Group to acquire a parcel of land on which it will build 1,200 homes in
Sports facilities in Pitstone ready for relaxing the lockdown rules!
During lockdown, with many sports facilities out of use, our architects have been working with Pitstone Parish Council in Buckinghamshire to expand and improve their local sports pavilion. With delivery under
Planning secured for first net zero construction development in Biggleswade
The Woods Hardwick Planning team has secured detailed planning permission for half a million sq ft of employment space on behalf of Tritax Symmetry! This is Central Bedfordshire’s first ‘net
A single planning framework for the Ox-Cam Arc – what does this mean for Bedford?
The Government has announced plans to transform the Oxford-Cambridge Arc into the UK’s fastest growing economic region. With a plan to transform the Arc into a world-class place to live and